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Food Vocabulary

  • Appetizer:

    • Definition: A small dish served before the main course to stimulate the appetite.

    • Sample Sentence: "We started our meal with a delicious shrimp cocktail as the appetizer."

  • Bake:

    • Definition: To cook food in an oven, usually using dry heat.

    • Sample Sentence: "She decided to bake a chocolate cake for the special occasion."

  • Cuisine:

    • Definition: A style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.

    • Sample Sentence: "Italian cuisine is known for its emphasis on fresh ingredients and rich flavors."

  • Dine:

    • Definition: To eat a meal, especially the main meal of the day.

    • Sample Sentence: "We like to dine at our favorite restaurant on Friday evenings."

  • Epicurean:

    • Definition: Pertaining to the appreciation of fine food and drink; a person with refined taste in food.

    • Sample Sentence: "The epicurean delight in sampling unique and exquisite dishes from around the world."

  • Farm-to-Table:

    • Definition: Refers to the sourcing and serving of local and fresh ingredients directly from the producer to the consumer.

    • Sample Sentence: "The restaurant prides itself on its commitment to farm-to-table dining, showcasing local farmers' produce."

  • Gourmet:

    • Definition: Relating to the high-quality, sophisticated preparation and presentation of food.

    • Sample Sentence: "The gourmet meal featured carefully selected ingredients and exquisite culinary techniques."

  • Harvest:

    • Definition: The process of gathering ripe crops; the season when crops are gathered.

    • Sample Sentence: "Farmers work hard during the harvest to collect the fruits and vegetables at their peak."

  • Infusion:

    • Definition: The process of steeping or soaking ingredients to extract flavors.

    • Sample Sentence: "The herbal tea had a delightful infusion of mint and chamomile."

  • Julienne:

    • Definition: To cut vegetables or other food into thin, matchstick-sized strips.

    • Sample Sentence: "The chef expertly julienned the carrots to add a touch of elegance to the salad."

  • Knead:

    • Definition: To work and press dough with the hands to develop its elasticity.

    • Sample Sentence: "The baker kneaded the bread dough until it reached the perfect consistency."

  • Locavore:

    • Definition: A person who primarily eats food that is locally produced or grown.

    • Sample Sentence: "Being a locavore, she enjoys shopping at the farmers' market for fresh, locally sourced ingredients."

  • Mouthwatering:

    • Definition: Extremely appetizing or delicious, causing one's mouth to water.

    • Sample Sentence: "The aroma from the kitchen was so mouthwatering that we couldn't wait to taste the meal."

  • Nourish:

    • Definition: To provide the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.

    • Sample Sentence: "A balanced diet is essential to nourish the body with the nutrients it needs."

  • Organic:

    • Definition: Produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.

    • Sample Sentence: "The organic vegetables were grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, promoting environmental sustainability."

  • Palate:

    • Definition: The sense of taste; the roof of the mouth.

    • Sample Sentence: "His sophisticated palate appreciated the complex flavors of the wine."

  • Quench:

    • Definition: To satisfy one's thirst by drinking.

    • Sample Sentence: "On a hot summer day, nothing quenches your thirst like a cold glass of lemonade."

  • Recipe:

    • Definition: A set of instructions for preparing a particular dish.

    • Sample Sentence: "She followed her grandmother's secret recipe to make the perfect apple pie."

  • Sear:

    • Definition: To quickly cook the surface of food at high heat to seal in juices.

    • Sample Sentence: "The chef seared the steak to achieve a flavorful crust while keeping the inside juicy."

  • Umami:

    • Definition: One of the five basic tastes, often described as savory or meaty.

    • Sample Sentence: "The addition of mushrooms to the sauce provided a rich umami flavor to the dish."

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