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Idioms related to Health

  • A clean bill of health:

    • Meaning: A report indicating good health or a positive assessment.

    • Sample sentence: After a thorough check-up, the doctor gave him a clean bill of health.

  • Back on one's feet:

    • Meaning: Recovered from an illness or setback.

    • Sample sentence: Despite the flu, she's determined to be back on her feet and at work next week.

  • Catch one's breath:

    • Meaning: To pause and rest, especially to regain one's breath after physical exertion.

    • Sample sentence: Climbing the steep hill, he had to stop to catch his breath.

  • Down in the dumps:

    • Meaning: Feeling sad or depressed.

    • Sample sentence: After the diagnosis, he's been a bit down in the dumps, but we're supporting him.

  • Eat like a horse:

    • Meaning: To have a very hearty or voracious appetite.

    • Sample sentence: After the marathon, I can eat like a horse and still feel hungry.

  • Fit as a fiddle:

    • Meaning: In excellent physical condition.

    • Sample sentence: Despite his age, he's fit as a fiddle and can still run marathons.

  • Go under the knife:

    • Meaning: To undergo surgery.

    • Sample sentence: She decided to go under the knife to correct her knee injury.

  • Hit the hay:

    • Meaning: To go to bed; to go to sleep.

    • Sample sentence: It's getting late; I think it's time to hit the hay.

  • In the pink of health:

    • Meaning: In very good health and condition.

    • Sample sentence: Regular exercise and a balanced diet help her stay in the pink of health.

  • Jump on the bandwagon:

    • Meaning: To adopt a popular trend or activity.

    • Sample sentence: Many people are jumping on the bandwagon of a healthier lifestyle by practicing mindfulness.

  • Keep one's chin up:

    • Meaning: To stay positive and optimistic in difficult situations.

    • Sample sentence: Despite the challenges, she always manages to keep her chin up.

  • Let oneself go:

    • Meaning: To neglect one's appearance or health.

    • Sample sentence: After the breakup, he let himself go, but now he's working on self-improvement.

  • Mind over matter:

    • Meaning: The power of the mind to influence and overcome physical challenges.

    • Sample sentence: With a positive attitude, she believes in the principle of mind over matter to overcome pain.

  • Nip it in the bud:

    • Meaning: To stop a problem or issue before it becomes more serious.

    • Sample sentence: Recognizing the early symptoms, she decided to nip the illness in the bud and see a doctor.

  • Off the wagon:

    • Meaning: Resuming an unhealthy behavior, often referring to substance abuse.

    • Sample sentence: After a year of sobriety, he fell off the wagon and started drinking again.

  • Put one's back into it:

    • Meaning: To exert a lot of effort and energy into a task.

    • Sample sentence: We need to put our backs into it to finish the construction project on time.

  • Quack doctor:

    • Meaning: A person who pretends to be a doctor but lacks proper qualifications.

    • Sample sentence: Be cautious of quack doctors; always seek medical advice from licensed professionals.

  • Run in the family:

    • Meaning: A trait or condition that is common among members of a family.

    • Sample sentence: Diabetes seems to run in the family; several relatives have been diagnosed.

  • Step on the scale:

    • Meaning: To weigh oneself, especially using a scale.

    • Sample sentence: She hesitated to step on the scale after indulging in holiday treats.

  • Take one's pulse:

    • Meaning: To measure the heartbeat rate.

    • Sample sentence: The nurse will take your pulse before the doctor examines you.

  • Under the weather:

    • Meaning: Feeling unwell or sick.

    • Sample sentence: I won't be able to make it to work today; I'm a bit under the weather.

  • Vegetable state:

    • Meaning: A condition of reduced consciousness or responsiveness.

    • Sample sentence: After the accident, he remained in a vegetable state for weeks before showing signs of improvement.

  • Walking on air:

    • Meaning: Feeling extremely happy or elated.

    • Sample sentence: After receiving the good news, she's been walking on air all day.

  • Xerox copy (of someone):

    • Meaning: Resembling someone closely, often used humorously.

    • Sample sentence: The little girl is a xerox copy of her grandmother when she was her age.

  • You are what you eat:

    • Meaning: Your health and well-being are influenced by your dietary choices.

    • Sample sentence: Remember, you are what you eat, so choose nutritious foods for better health.

  • Zero in on:

    • Meaning: To focus or concentrate on something.

    • Sample sentence: The doctor will zero in on the cause of your symptoms through a series of tests.

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