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Slang related to Health


  • Bite the bullet:

    • Meaning: To endure pain or an unpleasant situation.

    • Sample sentence: I had to bite the bullet and get the flu shot, even though I'm not a fan of needles.

  • Couch potato:

    • Meaning: A person who leads a sedentary lifestyle, often spending too much time sitting and watching TV.

    • Sample sentence: After a long day at work, I just want to be a couch potato and binge-watch my favorite shows.

  • Detox:

    • Meaning: To eliminate toxins or cleanse the body, often through dietary changes.

    • Sample sentence: I'm going on a three-day detox to reset my body and improve my energy levels.

  • Fit as a fiddle:

    • Meaning: In excellent physical condition.

    • Sample sentence: Despite his age, he's fit as a fiddle and can keep up with anyone on the basketball court.

  • Gut feeling:

    • Meaning: Intuitive or instinctive feelings about something.

    • Sample sentence: I had a gut feeling that the new diet plan would work for me, and it did.

  • Junk food:

    • Meaning: Unhealthy and processed food high in calories, sugars, and fats.

    • Sample sentence: I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I crave junk food like burgers and fries.

  • Killer workout:

    • Meaning: A highly intense and effective exercise session.

    • Sample sentence: That spin class was a killer workout; I can feel my muscles working.

  • Lose one's marbles:

    • Meaning: To lose one's mental faculties or sanity.

    • Sample sentence: After the stressful week, I feel like I'm about to lose my marbles.

  • Muffin top:

    • Meaning: Excess fat that hangs over the waistband of tight pants, resembling the top of a muffin.

    • Sample sentence: I need to hit the gym; my jeans are giving me a muffin top.

  • Nip it in the bud:

    • Meaning: To stop or prevent a problem at an early stage.

    • Sample sentence: I noticed a sore throat coming on, so I took some vitamin C to nip it in the bud.

  • On the mend:

    • Meaning: In the process of recovering from an illness or injury.

    • Sample sentence: Thanks to the antibiotics, I'm on the mend and should be back to work soon.

  • Paleo diet:

    • Meaning: A diet that mimics the eating habits of early humans, focusing on whole foods and avoiding processed items.

    • Sample sentence: I've been following the Paleo diet to improve my overall health and fitness.

  • Quack remedy:

    • Meaning: An ineffective or fraudulent medical treatment.

    • Sample sentence: Be cautious about online ads promoting quack remedies for quick weight loss.

  • Recharge one's batteries:

    • Meaning: To take a break or rest to restore energy and vitality.

    • Sample sentence: After the hectic workweek, I need the weekend to recharge my batteries.

  • Sugar rush:

    • Meaning: A sudden burst of energy after consuming a sugary snack or drink.

    • Sample sentence: The kids had a sugar rush after eating all the candy at the birthday party.

  • TLC (Tender Loving Care):

    • Meaning: Gentle and compassionate attention or care.

    • Sample sentence: When you're feeling under the weather, a bit of TLC from loved ones can make a big difference.

  • Under the weather:

    • Meaning: Feeling unwell or sick.

    • Sample sentence: I can't make it to the party tonight; I'm a bit under the weather.

  • Veg out:

    • Meaning: To relax and do nothing, often by lounging around like a vegetable.

    • Sample sentence: After a hectic day, I just want to veg out on the couch and watch TV.

  • Work up a sweat:

    • Meaning: To engage in vigorous physical activity that causes perspiration.

    • Sample sentence: I always feel great after a workout where I work up a good sweat.

  • Yoga pants:

    • Meaning: Comfortable and stretchy pants often worn for yoga or casual activities.

    • Sample sentence: I love wearing yoga pants; they're so comfy for lounging around the house.

  • Zonked:

    • Meaning: Extremely tired or exhausted.

    • Sample sentence: After the long hike, I was completely zonked and ready for a nap.

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