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Neighbourhood Vocabulary

  • Avenue:

    • Definition: A broad street or road in a town or city.

    • Example Sentence: "The shops along the avenue make it a popular spot for shopping and strolling."

  • Block:

    • Definition: A section of a street between two intersections, typically surrounded by buildings.

    • Example Sentence: "I live on the third block, right after the park."

  • Cul-de-sac:

    • Definition: A dead-end street with a circular turnaround at the end.

    • Example Sentence: "Their house is at the end of the cul-de-sac, offering a quiet and secluded location."

  • Driveway:

    • Definition: A private road leading to a house or garage.

    • Example Sentence: "She parked her car in the driveway and went inside the house."

  • Estate:

    • Definition: A large area of private land, often containing multiple residences or buildings.

    • Example Sentence: "The gated estate is home to luxurious mansions and well-manicured gardens."

  • Frontage:

    • Definition: The front part of a property that faces a street or public area.

    • Example Sentence: "The building's modern design enhances its frontage, attracting attention from passersby."

  • Green Space:

    • Definition: An area of land, often within a neighborhood, reserved for parks, lawns, or gardens.

    • Example Sentence: "The neighborhood association worked to create more green space for residents to enjoy."

  • High-Rise:

    • Definition: A tall building with many floors, typically found in urban areas.

    • Example Sentence: "The new high-rise apartment complex offers stunning views of the city skyline."

  • Intersection:

    • Definition: The point where two or more roads or streets meet.

    • Example Sentence: "Be cautious when crossing the intersection; there's heavy traffic."

  • Junction:

    • Definition: A point where two or more things intersect, such as roads or pathways.

    • Example Sentence: "The junction of the hiking trails led to various scenic viewpoints."

  • Kiosk:

    • Definition: A small structure, often open-sided, used for selling goods or providing information.

    • Example Sentence: "There's a new coffee kiosk at the entrance of the neighborhood park."

  • Lamppost:

    • Definition: A tall post with a light at the top, used to illuminate public areas, especially streets.

    • Example Sentence: "The lampposts along the sidewalk provide a warm glow in the evening."

  • Mailbox:

    • Definition: A container for receiving mail, typically located outside residential properties.

    • Example Sentence: "She walked to the end of the driveway to check the mailbox for letters."

  • Narrow Alley:

    • Definition: A narrow and often winding passage between buildings.

    • Example Sentence: "The neighborhood had charming narrow alleys with cobblestone streets."

  • Overpass:

    • Definition: A bridge that carries one road or railway over another.

    • Example Sentence: "The overpass allows pedestrians to cross the busy highway safely."

  • Playground:

    • Definition: An area with equipment for children to play, often found in parks or schools.

    • Example Sentence: "The neighborhood has a newly renovated playground for kids to enjoy."

  • Quiet Street:

    • Definition: A street with minimal traffic and noise.

    • Example Sentence: "Their house is located on a quiet street, away from the hustle and bustle."

  • Row Houses:

    • Definition: A series of houses joined together in a row, often sharing common walls.

    • Example Sentence: "The historic district features charming row houses with colorful facades."

  • Sidewalk:

    • Definition: A paved path for pedestrians, typically along the side of a street.

    • Example Sentence: "People strolled along the sidewalk, enjoying the shops and cafes."

  • Traffic Circle:

    • Definition: A circular intersection with multiple entry and exit points for vehicles.

    • Example Sentence: "The neighborhood installed a traffic circle to improve traffic flow and safety."

  • Utility Pole:

    • Definition: A tall pole, often made of wood or metal, that supports utility wires and cables.

    • Example Sentence: "The utility pole at the corner of the street carries electricity and telephone lines."

  • Village Square:

    • Definition: A central public space in a village or small town, often used for gatherings or events.

    • Example Sentence: "The village square is surrounded by quaint shops and cafes, creating a lively atmosphere."

  • Walkway:

    • Definition: A path designed for pedestrians, often separate from roads or streets.

    • Example Sentence: "The neighborhood features a scenic walkway along the riverbank for residents to enjoy."

  • Xeriscaping:

    • Definition: Landscaping or gardening that reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental water.

    • Example Sentence: "Many residents are adopting xeriscaping techniques to create water-efficient gardens in the neighborhood."

  • Yield Sign:

    • Definition: A traffic sign indicating that the driver must slow down and yield the right of way.

    • Example Sentence: "Approaching the intersection, drivers should pay attention to the yield sign."

  • Zoning:

    • Definition: The division of a municipality or city into areas with specific land use regulations.

    • Example Sentence: "Zoning laws determine whether an area is designated for residential, commercial, or industrial use."

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